Privacy Policy

Tourist Inn is committed to ensuring our customers' privacy and security of all information collected. In accordance with the privacy legislation this Privacy Policy outlines the information collection practices utilized by Tourist Inn, how that information is used and the choices you can make about the way the information you provide to us is collected and used.

What Information do we collect from you & how do we use it? The Information Tourist Inn collects from its visitors will not include any personally identifiable information such as an email address, phone numbers etc, unless they are provided to us, in the form of reservations requests or feedback about our services. All the Information we receive thought Internet are stored securely in our servers. We assure you that none of the Information Tourist Inn receive will be rent, sold or disclosed to any third parties except as required by the law to protect you or someone from an offender.

Auto Storage Information When you visit Tourist Inn website, “cookies” will automatically be stored on your system, and this will only include your preferences when visiting Tourist Inn website. Or it might only contain a record of the pages you looked at within Tourist Inn website; Tourist Inn website collects this information to help Tourist Inn to customize the view for you the next time you visit the Tourist Inn website. we cannot determine your e-mail, name, address etc... unless you provide it. and also Tourist Inn website cannot gain access to other information on your computer.

Information collected from Visitors Information collected from visitors who post comments on Tourist Inn website will not be disclosed to any third parties whatsoever, and such comments will be used to enhance the services we provide to our customers.

Booking a Holiday with Tourist Inn website When you book on the Tourist Inn website, your contact Information will be requested and specifically your E-mail or contact number will be required for us to write back to you, and in such occurrences the contact information Tourist Inn collects from its visitors will not be sold or rented to any third parties, but we might disclose your email to third parties in order to deliver information which we think might help to personalize your vacation booked with us.

Amendment in the Privacy Policy Tourist Inn has the right to amend this Privacy Policy at any time and Tourist Inn will frequently update the terms stated in the above Policy according to the requirements of Tourist Inn and will try its utmost to continue in protecting the privacy of Tourist Inn Customers. If you have any enquires with regard to the contents of the above privacy policy, please feel free to email us at [email protected] No part of this website may be produced without written permission from Tourist Inn.

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